Talks and Portfolio Reviews at Impressions Gallery
Last weekend, on an incredibly hot and sunny day in Bradford, Document Scotland took part in a busy and successful day of portfolio reviews and talks at Impressions Gallery as part of Beyond The Border: New Contemporary Photography from Scotland.
Sophie, Colin and Jeremy joined the team at Impressions to talk to a number of talented and enthusiastic portfolio review attendees and look through some really interesting work. – thank you for coming, and showing us your work. We hope it was a valuable experience for you – we really enjoyed looking at the work. There were some great discussions and we all saw some excellent work that day. Here’s some images, please stay in touch.
In the afternoon, each of us really enjoyed talking to the audience at Impressions about our individual projects, the subjects, the stories, our motivations and thoughts. Thank you all for coming along, for your questions, your interest and your thoughtful comments and opinions. We really appreciated it.
Jeremy started with his series Edge of an Empire, shot on and around the Antonine Wall.
Next up was Sophie talking about her work ‘Drawn To The Land’ about female farmers in Scotland and their relationship with the land.
Anne then presented Stephen’s work, ‘American Always, Scottish Forever’ introducing us to the characters at California’s Highland Games.
And Colin talked us through his series ‘A Fine Line‘, shot over the course of a year along the England/Scotland border.
We all enjoyed taking part in such a well organised and well attended day at Impressions.
For more information on talks and events at the gallery please see here
Since 2012, this website has been dedicated to featuring not only the collective's projects but also nurturing an archive that highlights the diverse documentary work created by numerous photographers throughout Scotland. Please consider supporting the work we do on Patreon if you can. Thank you.